
If a pdf file does not display correctly when it is viewed inline with the Acrobat Reader plugin, then download it to disk and open it directly.

Permutations (January 13) [.pdf]

Crypto-Chronology slides [Part I .pdf] (not all were used in class on January 13)

Crypto-Chronology slides [Part II .pdf] (not all were used in class on January 13)

Warm-up Exercises for January 20 [.pdf]

Affine Ciphers, Decimation Ciphers, and Modular Arithmetic (January 22) [.pdf]

Monoalphabetic Substitutions (January 27) [.pdf]

Crytanalysis of Monoalphabetic Substitutions (January 27) [.pdf]

Transposition Ciphers (January 27) [.pdf]

Warm-up Exercises for February 3 [.pdf]

Cryptanalysis of the Hill Cipher (February 5) [.pdf]

Binary One-Time Pad (February 12) [.pdf]

ASCII Codes (February 12) [.pdf]

Feedback Shift Registers (February 12) [.pdf]

RSA-129 (March 12) [.pdf]

Bézout's Identity (March 26) [.pdf]

Basic Internet Security (March 31) [.pdf]

The Theoretically Possible Number of Enigma Configurations (April 2) [.pdf]

Paper Enigma Machine (April 2) [.pdf]

Michael's Home Page * U of R Math & Stats Department
Michael Kozdron
April 9, 2009