Probability Links

Stat 302 (January-April 2010)
The math department teaches Math 302 in Term 1 of the Winter Session (September-December) while the statistics department teaches Stat 302 in Term 2 (January-April). There is some information on this page that you might find useful including a solutions manual and lecture notes. Warning: This is NOT a substitute for attending our lectures!

Introduction to Probability by C.M. Grinstead and J.L. Snell
This is an introductory probability textbook that covers much of the same material that is done in Math 302. It is available in .pdf format and is freely redistributable under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. It should be a useful reference for you. Warning: This is NOT our textbook and there are notational differences. In particular, we use S for the sample space, while they use Ω (Greek capital omega). They also use à for the complement of A.

Figuring the Odds (Probability Puzzles)
This page has a list of interesting problems that the author believes "can be solved and understood intuitively without knowledge of formulas from probability theory." They are all suitable for 302, though some are quite challenging. The philosphizing about probability discussion is interesting and worth reading.

Michael's Home Page * UBC Math Department
Michael Kozdron
September 14, 2010